+55 (21) 99129-7636 | +55 (11) 98941-3255 contato@expertisa.com.br

Outsourcing of accounting, tax, payroll and back office

Services > Accounting, tax, payroll and back-office outsourcing for national and international companies.

Outsourcing the accounting, tax, payroll and back-office processes allows the client to focus on the objectives of its core activity, reducing costs, redundancies and improving efficiency.
At Expertisa, we dedicate significant effort in gaining initial knowledge of your activities, culture and company processes. It is at this stage that we build together the Service Level Agreement in which all the planning of our BPO work will be mapped, ensuring that the parties involved in the process know how, when and where to act.
Understanding what is critical in the customer’s operation is the key to being efficient in providing the service. Therefore, with each new project, we promote and encourage our team of professionals to understand your business.
In addition to Portuguese, our working languages ​​include English, French and Spanish and we have extensive experience in serving international companies established in Brazil.

Among the activities carried out we have:


Partial or complete outsourcing of the accounting function including:
Processing and accounting of documentation
Preparation of monthly balance sheets and financial statements in accordance with Brazilian and international accounting standards (IFRS).
External audit support


Preparation of the “reporting package” to meet the demands of the headquarters abroad
Preparation of financial statements in a foreign language and/or foreign currency


Payroll outsourcing including:

Preparation of the monthly sheet
Management of admissions and dismissals
Calculations and declarations of contributions to social security and other bodies


Outsourcing of the tax function including:

Preparation of accessory obligations
Calculations of taxes payable and issuance of payment slips
Preparation of annual declarations
Inspection support
Preparation of personal income tax returns.


Processing all documentation and posting it in the bank’s system for subsequent release by the customer.
Control and collection of accounts receivable
Cash flow control.

Contact us

Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Av Presidente Wilson, 165
Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
+55 21 99129 7636 (business hours)

São Paulo – SP
R. Jaceru, 225 – Vila Gertrudes
São Paulo – SP, 04705-000, Brasil
+55 11 98941-3255 (24hs/7)


Working hours

Monday to Friday:
From 9 AM to 8 PM

Welcome to EXPERTISA

High quality services in the areas of Audit, Accounting, HR Taxes & Consulting.

CNPJ: 23.277.152/0001-31
CRC 007054/O-2


Outsourcing, tax, hr & finance
Consulting – Mergers & Aquisitions
Transition management

Contact us

Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Av Presidente Wilson, 165 - Centro
+55 21 99129-7636 (business hours)


São Paulo – SP
Rua Jaceru, 225 - Vila Gertrudes,
+55 11 98941-3255 ( 24hs/7 )

Working hours

Monday to Friday:
From 9 AM to 8 PM

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    Our team in available for any questions you may have.